Two care homes signed up - 20th February 2016

A very enjoyable week of birding in Gloucestershire with my mate Pete Blanchard, culminating in three species added to my life list (Hawfinch, Penduline Tit and Scaup). Better still we now have two care homes signed up. The residents of the Greathouse, Kington Langley and the Avon Court, Chippenham will be benefitting from the installation of a BIG bird garden. These installations will start towards the end of February and should be ready for the breeding season.

I'm still struggling with a bad back, but I have managed to photograph 33 bird species since the start of the year and the BIG Fund now stands at £1425.00.

If you would like to join me on a birding trip, please let me know.

Thank you all for your support! If you would like to make a pledge or donation please use this link:

To see the 2016 bird gallery use this link: http:



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